2011年7月27日 星期三

“Green” Products Are Sending Up A Red Flag 「綠色」產品名符其實嗎?2

The lies on the labels
In 2010 the Canadian marketing firm TerraChoice performed a study on products with environmental claims on their labels. The company visited 34 stores across the U.S. and Canada and surveyed 5,296 products, including office supplies, toys, building materials, housewares, electronics and health goods. They found that the number of products claiming to be green has risen more than 70 percent since 2009. According to the report from the study, 30.9 percent of the labels on the products they surveyed were fake. Another 67.3 percent made claims that were vague, and 70.1 percent made claims without proof.
More than 95 percent of the products surveyed were guilty of “greenwashing,” misleading consumers regarding environmental benefits of the product or environmental practices of a company.
Greenwashing is easy to spot, and it comes in several forms. Labels might advertise one good thing, but ignore several bad things. They make claims with no proof or even lie outright. Have you ever heared of an organic cigarette? The claim that it is organic might be true, but that distracts from the fact that cigarettes are still unhealthy. These labels target good intentions, fooling consumers into buying products that aren’t green at all.

fake ànot true
vagueànot clear

Grammar on the go
More than 95 percent of the products surveyed were guilty of “greenwashing”…

guilty => have broken lawàThe criminal was guilty of murder.

to be guilty of
ð responsible for doing something wrong
Ex: Sarah knows she is guilty of gossiping.
Ex: My friend is guilty of being a perfectionist.

More information
In the 1980s, environmentalist Jay Westerveld coined the term “greenwashing.” It’s a combination of the words “green” and “brainwashing.” He found that certain hotels encouraged visitors to reuse towels to help make the hotel more environmentally friendly. After some investigation though, he found no solid recycling strategies in place. This led him to believe that the hotels weren’t trying to be “GREEN” but were just trying to save money.

Chat room
1.  proof  n.證明、證據
make claims with no proof 未經認證就大肆吹噓
2.  proof  v.校對
3.  Noun. + proof  adj. 防止

the proof of the pudding is in the eating

Key word
vague 模糊不清、含糊的
The company was fined for vague descriptions of the ingredients printed on the package.
I only have vague memories of my childhood.

These protesters were arrested outright when the cops arrived.
Rose outright told Timothy that she liked him.
Elle laughed outright after hearing the joke.

distract 使分心、轉移注意力 (dis-分開 tract)
The noise coming from the construction site constantly distracted students from their studies.
I tried to distract Vivian’s attention away from her breakup.

