2011年7月27日 星期三

“Green” Products Are Sending Up A Red Flag? 「綠色」產品名符其實嗎?3

Green’s still growing
Still, there are some companies that are honestly trying to make improvements and help the environment. And with a little knowledge and careful examination of lables, you can learn which ones are legitimate and which are just telling lies. First, pick out items endorsed by environmentally friendly institutions you know and trust. Then look for details. A true eco-friendly claim will be specific, not vague. Phrases like “all-natural” or “Mother Earth-approved” mean very little and are just there to help sell the product.
Also, the kind of store you shop at matters. Large-scale or “big-box” retail stores that are well-known are more likely to sell items with accurate claims on their labels. Companies that manufacture things like paper products, building materials or other recyclables may have more experience in the green industry. These companies are more likely to print accurate labels than companies with less experience, like those that make toys or baby-care items. In their study, TerraChoice found that 4.5 percent of the products they surveyed made accurate claims for eco-friendliness on their labels. This may seem small, but it’s a big improvement over the 2 percent in 2009 and 1 percent in 2007. It’s gradually becoming easier to help support the environment as the green industry becomes healthier and more sustainable.

legitimate 合法的、正統的
endorse 背書、認可、贊同
retail 零售

Chat room
carefully examine labels 細心的檢視標籤

between the lines 看出字裡行間的意思、言外之意
read between the lines 細心、謹慎的閱讀

Key word

legitimate 合法的、正當的

Peter is the legitimate heir to the heritage.
Our business is completely legitimate.
It’s legitimate to inquire about the government’s process of making decisions.


Many celebrities endorsed this product.
Many school teachers endorsed this new educational policy.
The sporting goods company paid a fortune to get this player to endorse their products.

sustainable 永續性的、不破壞生態平衡的

The sustainable sales growth proved that our marketing strategies worked.

“Green” Products Are Sending Up A Red Flag 「綠色」產品名符其實嗎?2

The lies on the labels
In 2010 the Canadian marketing firm TerraChoice performed a study on products with environmental claims on their labels. The company visited 34 stores across the U.S. and Canada and surveyed 5,296 products, including office supplies, toys, building materials, housewares, electronics and health goods. They found that the number of products claiming to be green has risen more than 70 percent since 2009. According to the report from the study, 30.9 percent of the labels on the products they surveyed were fake. Another 67.3 percent made claims that were vague, and 70.1 percent made claims without proof.
More than 95 percent of the products surveyed were guilty of “greenwashing,” misleading consumers regarding environmental benefits of the product or environmental practices of a company.
Greenwashing is easy to spot, and it comes in several forms. Labels might advertise one good thing, but ignore several bad things. They make claims with no proof or even lie outright. Have you ever heared of an organic cigarette? The claim that it is organic might be true, but that distracts from the fact that cigarettes are still unhealthy. These labels target good intentions, fooling consumers into buying products that aren’t green at all.

fake ànot true
vagueànot clear

Grammar on the go
More than 95 percent of the products surveyed were guilty of “greenwashing”…

guilty => have broken lawàThe criminal was guilty of murder.

to be guilty of
ð responsible for doing something wrong
Ex: Sarah knows she is guilty of gossiping.
Ex: My friend is guilty of being a perfectionist.

More information
In the 1980s, environmentalist Jay Westerveld coined the term “greenwashing.” It’s a combination of the words “green” and “brainwashing.” He found that certain hotels encouraged visitors to reuse towels to help make the hotel more environmentally friendly. After some investigation though, he found no solid recycling strategies in place. This led him to believe that the hotels weren’t trying to be “GREEN” but were just trying to save money.

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1.  proof  n.證明、證據
make claims with no proof 未經認證就大肆吹噓
2.  proof  v.校對
3.  Noun. + proof  adj. 防止

the proof of the pudding is in the eating

Key word
vague 模糊不清、含糊的
The company was fined for vague descriptions of the ingredients printed on the package.
I only have vague memories of my childhood.

These protesters were arrested outright when the cops arrived.
Rose outright told Timothy that she liked him.
Elle laughed outright after hearing the joke.

distract 使分心、轉移注意力 (dis-分開 tract)
The noise coming from the construction site constantly distracted students from their studies.
I tried to distract Vivian’s attention away from her breakup.

2011年7月25日 星期一

“Green” Products Are Sending Up A Red Flag 「綠色」產品名符其實嗎?1

Not all products are as environmentally friendly as their labels want you to believe
並非所有產品都如同外包裝所說的一樣環保        by Joanna Wuertz

These days everyone is trying to do their part to help the environment. One of the easiest ways is simply to buy products that are labeled “eco-friendly.” Choose fruits and vegetables that are organic. Select appliances that are energy-efficient. Avoid items made with synthetic materials. But going green may be harder than it looks – those product labels can be misleading.
What is organic?
  Pick up a box of cereal at a grocery store. Its label boasts “All-natural!” in big green letters on the front. That means the cereal must be organic, right? Wrong. “All-natural,” “free-range” and “hormone-free” are all words companies like to use to help sell their products, but none mean the product is actually organic. 
It's important to know what "organic" is - and isn't - when you're shopping. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines organic as containing no ingredients that have been treated with certain unnatural chemicals or medicines, radiation or DNA-engineering. In the U.S., if a food is labeled as "organic," at least 95 percent of the ingredients must be organic. To be labeled 100 percent organic, every ingredient must have been raised and harvested in a USDA-certified organic environment.

Chat room

Green product 綠色產品(有環保概念的)
He is still green at his job. 他仍然對工作不熟悉(未成熟、沒有經驗、生手)
green thumb 有園藝才能的
to be green with envy 充滿嫉妒

Key word

synthetic 合成的、人造的 (syn”有一起的意思)
This synthetic fabric is water resistant yet very light and soft.
This synthetic rubber can sustain extreme temperatures.

radiation 輻射、放射線

Radiation from the sun can hurt your eyes, if you’re not wearing sun-glasses.
The radiation contaminated building was blocked and guarded.

certified 被證明的、有保證的、公認的

(certify 的過去分詞)
These certified documents were listed as evidence.
Sean is a government certified accountant who is also a lawyer.

2011年7月21日 星期四

The A21 Campaign A21終結不公運動

Abolishing injustice in the 21st century終結21世紀的不公
It happens more often than you think. A young woman needs a job and hears of a lucrative job offer overseas. She accepts – only to find that there is no job, and she is a prisoner in a nightmare. Trapped by violence, millions of young women are forced into prostitution and sexual slavery with no escape in sight. Children suffer too. UNESCO estimates that 2 million children are being exploited in the sex trade. Make no mistake – human trafficking is prospering and profitable. Defined as recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving people through deception, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them, human trafficking is a crime against humanity.
Organizations and governments are cooperating on many levels to fight this terrible injustice. One such organization, The A21 Campaign has a three-fold goal: rehabilitating survivors, raising awareness and supporting legislation designed to catch and prosecute traffickers. The A21 Campaign has also established a crisis care center in Greece that provides shelter, training and hope to rescued victims. You can be part of the solution to the problem. On the 21st of every month, you can raise awareness by wearing the Key2Free – a symbol of freedom. Help stop human trafficking!

lucrativeàprovide a lot of money
exploitàtake the advantage off 剝削
trafficking (n.)非法交易
prosper (v.)繁榮、昌盛、成功
deception 欺騙、詐欺
coercionàforce someone to do something that they don’t want to do
rehabilitate 使復興recover their life
prosecute 起訴、告發
crisis 危機、轉折點

Grammar on the go
Make no mistake – human trafficking is prospering and profitable.
make no mistake
=> Don’t make any mistakes.
=>without a doubt, for sure

Human trafficking is certainly prospering and profitable.
This city will not tolerate terrorism. Make no mistake – the terrorists will be punished.
Make no mistake – this proposal is their trick to get our company to do more and earn less.

Grammar on the go
prisoner 被監禁的人,囚犯、被剝奪自由的人
prisoner of time時間的俘虜
prisoner of his past
Take no prisoners. 趕盡殺絕(不要抓俘虜)、隔殺勿論

Key word
exploit 剝削、壓榨
Workers in sweat shops were brutally exploited and even did not get paid sometimes.
New laws were made to stop industries from exploiting their employees.

coercion 脅迫、強迫
Through coercion, he was forced to sign the contract.
The suspect claimed that the police used coercion to get his statement.

prosecute 起訴、告發
The district attorney prosecuted the mobster for multiple accounts.
The owner of the company prosecuted the former accountant for stealing.

2011年7月20日 星期三








        創巴仁波切對這一點有很清楚的闡述:「可是我們不久就領悟到,逕自『放下』,不能長久,我們必須由修行才能達到『隨緣』。…..自我必須像一隻舊鞋一樣,在從苦難到解脫之路上自行磨損。」這就是體悟第四聖諦,道諦,眾苦永盡的道路。第四道諦即是八正道:正見、正思維、正語、正業、正命、正精進、正念、正定。佛家所謂的八正道,用猶太教的概念來說,就是kiddush hashem,意思是在日常生活裡「聖化上帝的名字」,也意味著「神的工作」。以基督教的概念來看,佛家所謂的八正道說的就是「活在神的同在中」。

