2011年7月27日 星期三

“Green” Products Are Sending Up A Red Flag? 「綠色」產品名符其實嗎?3

Green’s still growing
Still, there are some companies that are honestly trying to make improvements and help the environment. And with a little knowledge and careful examination of lables, you can learn which ones are legitimate and which are just telling lies. First, pick out items endorsed by environmentally friendly institutions you know and trust. Then look for details. A true eco-friendly claim will be specific, not vague. Phrases like “all-natural” or “Mother Earth-approved” mean very little and are just there to help sell the product.
Also, the kind of store you shop at matters. Large-scale or “big-box” retail stores that are well-known are more likely to sell items with accurate claims on their labels. Companies that manufacture things like paper products, building materials or other recyclables may have more experience in the green industry. These companies are more likely to print accurate labels than companies with less experience, like those that make toys or baby-care items. In their study, TerraChoice found that 4.5 percent of the products they surveyed made accurate claims for eco-friendliness on their labels. This may seem small, but it’s a big improvement over the 2 percent in 2009 and 1 percent in 2007. It’s gradually becoming easier to help support the environment as the green industry becomes healthier and more sustainable.

legitimate 合法的、正統的
endorse 背書、認可、贊同
retail 零售

Chat room
carefully examine labels 細心的檢視標籤

between the lines 看出字裡行間的意思、言外之意
read between the lines 細心、謹慎的閱讀

Key word

legitimate 合法的、正當的

Peter is the legitimate heir to the heritage.
Our business is completely legitimate.
It’s legitimate to inquire about the government’s process of making decisions.


Many celebrities endorsed this product.
Many school teachers endorsed this new educational policy.
The sporting goods company paid a fortune to get this player to endorse their products.

sustainable 永續性的、不破壞生態平衡的

The sustainable sales growth proved that our marketing strategies worked.

