2011年6月25日 星期六


Joan is at her desk. Jeff comes into her office and sits down.

Jeff: I’ve just come from yet another pointless meeting with Mr. Weston. I really don’t like him as a manager.
Joan: I’m sorry. I know those meetings are frustrating.
Jeff: They are. We never accomplish anything. And he shoots down any ideas we bring to the table. And I’m tired of it. I’m going to start looking for a new job.
Joan: Getting a new job won’t be easy in this economy.
Jeff: Maybe not, but I can try.
Joan: new manager could be better – or worse.
Jeff: I know. So what can I do?
Joan: Have you talked to him about this?
Jeff: He’ll just get defensive and I’ll ruin our working relationship.
Joan: Not necessarily. Just ask him about what he expects and the way he wants things done. Then he may relax a little.
Jeff: I can try that I gusee.
Joan: Also, try updating him often. That’ll make him feel more at ease since he’ll know what’s going on.
Jeff: Hmm…and if I do that, he might not call so many meetings.
Joan: It’s worth a try!

yet another= even moremore another
frustrating= annoying
shoot down something

grammar on the go
And he shoots down any ideas we bring to the table.
Bring to the tableàto bring ideas up for discussion in a meeting

We never know what Donald will bring to the table at our company meetings.
The director welcomes everyone’s comments at the meeting, but please makes sure that what you bring to the table is strictly business.
“on the table” means same thing
The new business proposal is on the table.

Chat room
at ease 放輕鬆、安心
put someone’s mind at ease讓某人心安
shoot down something堅決反對、否決
Every proposal Rick made was shot down by his boss.
The idea of loner working hours was shot down immediately.
Defensive 防衛心重的、懷有戒心的
Jasmine became defensive when I asked her about her grades.
Offensive language具有攻擊性的言語
We are updating our department’s finances this week.
We’ll update the latest news of the hurricane every hour on Channel 13.

