2011年4月17日 星期日


Learn what not to do when going for a job interview
Hiring managers don’t want to hear a lot of things during an interview – confessions of a violent past, a cell phone ring, a toilet flush. Yet job seekers have committed these interview gaffes and worse, according to CareerBuilder.com’s annual survey of the worst interview mistakes. Odd behavior isn’t the only way to ruin your chances of landing a job. When hiring managers were asked to name the most common and damaging interview mistakes a candidate can make, 51 percent listed dressing inappropriately. Forty-nine percent cited badmouthing a former boss as the worst offense, while 48 percent said appearing uninterested. Arrogance (44 percent), insufficient answers (30 percent) and not asking good questions (29 percent) were also top answers.
To ensure your interview is smooth and error-free, follow these five tips.
Do some research: When you walk into a job interview, knowledge of the company’s history, goals and current activity proves to the interviewer that you are not only prepared for the interview, but also that you want to be a part of the organization.
Don’t lie: If the conversation drifts to a topic you’re not knowledgeable about, admit you don’t know the answer and then explain how you would go about finding a solution. Displaying your problem-solving skill is better than babbling about something you don’t understand.

Chat Room
uninterested / disinterested

uninterested 不感興趣、不關心的
Jennifer is uninterested in marriage.  
appearing uninterested
disinterested 公正無私的
A judge should be disinterested. 法官應該公正無私

Key word
gaffe 失禮、失態、失言
I made a real gaffe to call my boss’s wife by her first name.
Sean made a terrible gaffe by criticizing his mother-in-law’s cooking.
Sean 批評岳母的廚藝實在非常的失禮

badmouth (v)說某人壞話、很苛刻的批評
Elaine loves to badmouth her supervisor.
Badmouthing is one of her biggest flaws.

knowledgeable (adj) 知識淵博的、熟知的
knowledgeable about
Nathan is knowledgeable about home remedies.
Pamela is very knowledgeable about the latest clothing trends.

confession (n) 承認、坦白、告解
Has the thief made a confession yet?

violent (adj) 極端的、猛烈的

arrogance (n) 傲慢、自大、自負

babble (V)牙牙學語、模糊不清的說話 (n)

