2011年5月4日 星期三

Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders Fly High 3

Champions of the community
But for members of the successful cheerleading group, it’s not just about winning titles. While they may be champions on the competition floor, they desire to be champions off of it as well. Ascension Eagles strive not only to have Britain’s best cheerleaders, but also to encourage young people to reach their full potential in life. Therefore, each year, the AEC Leadership Team reaches out to over 2,600 children within the greater London area. During their last season alone, these young leaders delivered over 20,000 sessions, with each cheerleader volunteering a minimum of 200 hours.
Outreach activities include weekly after-school clubs that assist children in developing leadership, literacy and life skills. Not surprisingly, AEC’s drive to help others has propelled them further into the spotlight. In 2010 the team was one of three finalists for the Spirit of London Community Champion award. This was quite an honor, considering there were 3,500 nominations. Needless to say, Shara Brice is proud of her team. Thanks to her hard work and dedication, the streets of Newham are no longer the only option for young people. Instead, for the Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders, the sky’s the limit.

more information
The Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders train or entertain 240 days out of the year. There are five different AEC squads, each representing a different age group and each competing at a different level. The movie production company Big Talk Pictures announced that it will make a movie detailing the story of the Ascension Eagles Cheerleaders. The movie is expected to be released in the near future.

Chat room
outreach àcan be verb and noun, verb: go beyond or surpass
reach out 拓展(伸出手觸及)

Key word
potential (n)潛力、潛能
Mary has the potential to become a professional golfer.
Mark doesn’t feel that he can achieve his full potential in his present job.
potential (adj)潛在的、可能的
We invited our potential customers to attend this banquet.

literacy 識字、讀寫能力à the ability of read and write
This mobile library program is aimed to promoting literacy in remote areas.
Bobby attended the adult literacy class at a nearby community college.

the sky’s the limit 前途不可限量
With his extraordinary talent and all the training, for this young pianist, the sky’s the limit.
The future is bright for this emerging band; the sky’s the limit.


