If you see these warning signs, maybe it’s time to quit.
In a bad economy, it might seem strange to consider quitting your job. However, sometimes resigning is the best way for you to move forward. Here are some signs that may point you toward the exit door:
1. Your work environment is not healthy.
Stress is part of any job. But sometimes the frustrations of your job can begin to harm you. They can make you sick or depressed. If you hate going to work, it’s time to leave.
2. You need more income.
Maybe you thought the salary was OK when you took the job. However, now you need more income to support your family because of different life circumstances. Or maybe you feel that you’re not making what you’re worth.
3. You are not being challenged.
You have been in your position for a while, and your skills have improved. Now the work you’re doing no longer seems interesting. Maybe you can get more responsibility at a different job.
resignàquit your job
【Chat room】
leave your job
leave v.離開
leave of absence
sick leave 病假
She is on sick leave. 她請病假
maternity leave 產假
paternity leave 陪產假
bereavement leave喪假
【Key word】
resign 辭職
William recently resigned from the company where he was worked for 10 years.
Jack resigned as CEO of the company.
Jack 辭掉這家公司執行長的工作。
depress 壓下、壓低 adj.沮喪、消沉、憂鬱的
Bruce felt really depressed because he got laid off.
Paula seemed a little bit depressed because she got a C on her report.
Paula 因為報告得到丙等所以看起來有點難過
The press conference was cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
The family is in poor circumstances and needs help.
Under the circumstances, he had no other choice but to quit the job.