Mortenson did oversee the construction of that school and many others.
From that rash promise to Ali, The Central Asia Institute (CAI) was born. The
organization is dedicated to promoting education in the remote areas of
Pakistan and Afghanistan, especially education for girls. An old African
proverb says, “If you educate a boy, you educate an individual, if you educate
a girl, you educate a community.” Educated woman marry later, are less likely
to die in childbirth, and boost the health of the community.
By the end of 2010, CAI had established or supported 170 schools in
Pakistan and Afghanistan and was providing scholarships to girls to attend high
school and college.
In 2000, only 800,000 children in Afghanistan attended school. “Now
there are 9 million children in school in Afghanistan and 2.8 million of them
are girls,” said Mortenson. In addition to schools, CAI helps finance literacy
and work centers where woman can learn to read and make traditional crafts to
earn money for their families.
So much good has come from a few wrong turns in the mountains.
Undoubtedly, Mortenson would agree that getting lost was the best thing
that ever happened to him.
【Chat room】
remote areas偏遠地區
remote a. 偏僻的、遙遠的
a remote possibility 萬分之一的可能性
I haven’t the remotest idea what you’re talking about. 我根本不知道你在講什麼
Where’ the remote?
Where’s the remote control?遙控器在哪裡?
TV remote
【Key word】
dedicated 專心致志的、全心投力的
dedicate 獻身、投入v.
We are so fortunate to have such dedicated co-workers.
This organization is dedicated to equal rights for minorities.
childbirth 生產過程
The twin’s difficult childbirth caused their mother a longer recovery
The baby almost died during childbirth.
undoubtedly 無庸置疑地、肯定地
Charlie is undoubtedly one of the top chefs in the country.
Undoubtedly, the band’s next single will be a huge hit.