A sweet smell of success
Shakespeare would have people believe “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” But nothing else smells like the fragrance Chanel No. 5. One bottle of it sells every 30 seconds, making it the world’s top-selling perfume.
The fragrance is the first one to have a designer’s name on it. That designer, Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel, founded a Paris fashion house in 1913. When Chanel wanted a perfume in 1921, she asked for something artificial.
“Yes, I really do mean artificial, like a dress, something that has been made. I don’t want any rose or lily of the valley; I want a perfume that is a composition.” Perfume creator Ernest Beaux made 10 perfume samples for Chanel to try. She chose sample number 5. She chose the name “number 5” because it brought her luck. And Chanel No. 5 did not disappoint. It has been sold continuously since 1921. Each new generation of women falls in love with it.
【Grammar on the go】
Shakespeare would have people believe “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
would have people believe
haveàto cause
To cause people to believe “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
an action that happens regularly
would have + somebody + verb
On New Year’s Eve, Grandma would have the whole family go to her house for dinner.
When I was young, I would have my younger sister do everything for me.
【Chat room】
perfume (女用)香水
cologne (男用)香水
eau de toilette (法文)味道比較淡的香水
toilet water 非指馬桶水
toilette àtoiletry 化妝,妝扮(沐浴、梳頭化妝的整個過程)
scent 香味
What kind of perfume are you wearing? 妳今天塗的是什麼香水
“擦”香水à wear
artificial 人工的、人造的
Mom refuses to buy food with artificial flavors or colorings.
The hotel is located by an artificial lake.
People who are diabetic sometimes use artificial sweeteners instead of real sugar.
composition 合成物
Most medicines we take are chemical compositions.
composition 創作、作品
The latest symphony is considered his greatest composition.
continuously 持續不斷地、連續地
continuous 持續的
He worked continuously for eight hours.
It has already rained continuously for a week.
perfume àa liquid that smells good
fashion house
artificial àno nature